When To Replace Pneumatic Filters
Post By: Tom Rowse On: 26-09-2019 - Pneumatics
More than 90% of the world's manufacturing facilities use compressed air in their processes, but even air can become contaminated during its passage through a system. Installing compressed air filters is therefore common practice, forming part of an overall purification system for pneumatic machinery. Regular replacement of the filters will ensure that the level of contamination is reduced, enabling the system to operate more safely, more efficiently, and in the long run, more cost-effectively. Manufacturer's recommendations must always be followed so as not to invalidate any guarantees, but as a general rule, most filters should be replaced every year, or immediately on detection of any odour or leak.
Removing Contaminants
There are ten main contaminants commonly found in compressed air systems, which come from four main sources: ambient air entering by the compressor's intake port; the fabric of the compressor itself; the air receiver for the pneumatic system; and the air distribution piping. Efficient filtration can dispose of nine of the ten contaminants, many of which are found in air, water, oil and dirt. Water in vapour or aerosol form, or condensed water after cooling, will account for 99.9% of contaminants in liquid form. Oil can also contaminate a system in liquid, aerosol or vapour form, containing unburned hydrocarbon particles that can clog up a system. The remaining particle groups are formed of solids, including atmospheric dirt, micro-organisms, pipe scale and rust, all of which are regulated by the International Standards Office.
The six air and water contaminants can be substantially reduced by coalescing filters, and these are therefore the most important part of any purification system, usually supported by additional filters for the removal of oil and dry particulates. All these types of filter have replaceable elements or filter cartridges, which require periodic replacement in order to maintain a continuous supply of quality compressed air. This also helps to keep down energy costs, as inefficient filters will use more power to function as effectively. There is, however, still a lot of confusion about why, when, and how often filters should be replaced.
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