Rowse Gains Cyber Essentials Certification

Post By: Ryan King On: 29-10-2020 - Company Updates

We're delighted to announce that Rowse has just been certified under the Cyber Essentials programme. This is a recently revised, government-backed scheme designed to help organisations recognise and defend themselves against common cyber attacks, such as phishing, hacking, denial of service (DoS) and various types of malware.

The Cyber Essentials programme makes UK businesses more resilient against the more common types of cyber attack. This is particularly important when so much financial and private data activity is taking place online and via cloud-based computing.

Cyber attacks threaten not only the financial security of businesses, but their reputations as companies in whom you can have absolute trust. For us at Rowse, the Cyber Essentials programme offers us a means of reinforcing our company's IT security and the security of our customers, protecting your sensitive data and ensuring that our systems continue to run safely.

Cyber Essentials Logo

"Over the recent months, our team have been working hard to obtain Cyber Essentials to add to our plethora of certifications. Our data, our customer's data has always been important to us, and we continue to work and improve our systems to ensure our business is secure. I am incredibly proud of our team and how our company continues to adapt."

John Rowse, Company Director

In order to confer on us a nationally recognised certification, the Cyber Essentials scheme requires that we fulfil these five basic technical requirements:

  • that we have a resilient firewall to ensure that our internet connection is secure;
  • that all our software and devices are properly configured with the most secure settings;
  • that all our software and devices are always fully up to date;
  • that we are fully protected against viruses and other intrusive malware;
  • that we can strictly control the access to our data and services.

Once these security levels are achieved, the certification is awarded and we can all breathe more easily.

At Rowse, our customers are our most valuable commodity, and we take our cybersecurity very seriously. With the Cyber Essentials certification now in place, you can rest assured that we have taken the necessary steps to protect you and your personal information, as well as our business processes.

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